
The edge layer is build for a kubernetes runtime. Therefore all configuration is handled through environment variables.

These can either be provided through ConfigMap or single variables.

ENV variable setup

Pattern Cardinality Description Sample Value
HOSTS_{ID}_DOMAIN optional DNS name, multiple entries can be create through different ids. If no record is present, no domain filtering is performed api.domain.tld
HOSTS_{ID}_AUTH optional Triggers authentication on this host. Allowed values are ‘none’,’apikey’. The default is ‘none’. apikey
HOSTS_{ID}APIKEY{ID2} optional Configure API keys used for authenticating requests. E37184D3-14FC-48ED-8B41-7A40AB750375
ROUTES_{ID}_TYPE required type of the route google-pubsub
ROUTES_{ID}_{property} optional configuration for the route  
ENDPOINTS_{ID}_TYPE required type of the endpoint echo-on-local-layer
ENDPOINTS_{ID}_SELECTOR optional Selector for this enpoint. If none was given, the condition is always true. header[“X-HTTP-HOST”]==”api.domain.tld”
ENDPOINTS_{ID}_ROUTE optinal ID of the previously defined route. If none was given, the first route is chosen. 1

Technology specific samples are avaible in the endpoint section.

For more sample, please check out our sample section managed through the following repo.